
  • The No-Nonsense Guide to Deep work

    The No-Nonsense Guide to Deep work

    How to get more quality work done, in less time Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash Let your mind become a lens, thanks to the converging rays of attention; let your soul be all intent on whatever it is that is established in your mind as a dominant, wholly absorbing idea. — Antonin-Dalmace Sertillanges When the nurseries closed due… Continue reading

  • Ckeditor with Amazon S3 and paperclip.

    I was working on project recently, where I had to use CKeditor with paperclip and amazon s3 as the storage. This all is running on Heroku. The solution is really easy. You have the paperclip in you model… Continue reading

  • Pair programming with your mind

    My last post was about pair programming. Recently I start working on a small project where I can’t pair with anyone. So I started thinking “what could I use from pairing even When I’m not ? “. My first thought was to act as if I was, so I would have to act as 2… Continue reading

  • 7 reasons why pair program

    I was wondering why lot of people still don’t want to pair program. So I wrote down my most important reasons why you should pair program. Btw if you don’t know what is pair programming, here is explanation. Continue reading